
YearAuthorsTitleRegion or Topic
2024Chen, Y., Savvaidis, A., Siervo, D., Huang, D., and Saad, O. M.Near real‐time earthquake monitoring in Texas using the highly precise deep learning phase picker: Earth and Space Science, v. 11, no. 10, article no. e2024EA003890, 14 p.,
2024Li, C., Liu, G., Chen, X., Li, Z., Fomel, S., and Chen, Y.Joint reconstruction and multiple attenuation using one-step randomized-order damped rank reduction method: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 62, no. 5921611, 11 p.,
2024Li, C., Liu, G., Chen, X., Wang, Z., Fomel, S., and Chen, Y.Warped-mapping-based multigather joint prestack Q estimation: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, v. 62, no. 5920209, 9 p.,
2024Breton C., Shensky M., and Savvaidis A.Induced Seismicity Data in Texas Prep: Processing of Available Data Using Python and GIS. Automate data processing and data set production in Texas and New Mexico using Python and ArcGIS Pro tools . Interpretation (2024) 12 (2): SC1–SC7, Methods
2024Chen, Y., A. Savvaidis, O. M. Saad, G.-C. Dino Huang, D. Siervo, V. O’Sullivan, C. McCabe, B. Uku, P. Fleck, G. Burke, et al.TXED: The Texas Earthquake Dataset for AI, Seismological Research Letters (2024) 95 (3): 2013–2022,
2024Chen, Y., Zhou M., and Abma R. Revisiting two notable methods for improving the deblending performance of marine towed-streamer acquisition, Geophysics (2024) 89 (3): P33–P45, Methods
2024Dommisse, R.Constraining Faults and Stratigraphic Zones in Shale and Tight Oil Basins via 3D Geocellular Models, Geoenergy Science and Engineering, Volume 240, 212991,   Methods
2024Saad, O.M., I. Helmy, M. Mohammed, A. Savvaidis, A. Chatterjee, and Y. ChenDeep Learning Peak Ground Acceleration Prediction Using Single-Station Waveforms: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 62, pp. 1-13, 2024, Methods
2024Lee, J., Chen, Y., Dommisse, R., Huang, G.-C.D. and Savvaidis, A. Basin-scale prediction of S-wave Sonic Logs using Machine Learning techniques from conventional logs. Geophysical Prospecting, 1–23, Methods
2024Chen, Y., Savvaidis, A., Saad, O.M.; Siervo, D., Huang, G.-C.D., Chen, Y., Grigoratos, I., Fomel, S., Breton, C.Thousands of Induced Earthquakes per Month in West Texas Detected Using EQCCT. Geosciences, 14, 114, Methods
2023Yang, L., Fomel, S., Wang, S., Chen, X., Chen, Yunfeng, and Chen, Yangkang, 2023SLKNet: an attention-based deep-learning framework for downhole distributed acoustic sensing data denoising: Geophysics, v. 88, no. 6, p. WC69–WC89Methods
2023Chen, Yangkang, Huang, W., Yang, L., Oboué, Y. A. S. I., Saad, O. M., and Chen, YunfengDRR: an open-source multi-platform package for the damped rank-reduction method and its applications in seismology: Computers & Geosciences, v. 180, no. 105440, 13 pMethods
2022Jeong, S.-J., B. Stump, and H.R. DeShon (2022)Site Amplifications from Earthquake Data and VS30 in the Fort Worth Basin, TexasSeismological Research Letters, 93(3), 1787–1799, doi:10.1785/0220210140.Fort Worth Basin
2022Jeong, S.-J., B. Stump, and H.R. DeShonStress Drop Variations of Induced Earthquakes Near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, Texas, The Seismic Record, 2, 68-77, doi:10.1785/032022000361.Fort Worth Basin
2022Chen, Y., A. Savvaidis, S. Fomel, Y.F. Chen, O.M.Saad, H. Wang, Y.A.S.I. Oboue, L. Yang, W. ChenDenoising of distributed acoustic sensing seismic data using an integrated framework, Seismological Research Letter, doi: 10.1785/0220220117Methods
2022Trugman, D., C. Chamberlain, A. Savvaidis, and A. LomaxGrowClust3D.jl: A Julia Package for the Relative Relocation of Earthquake Hypocenters Using 3D Velocity Models, Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220220193Methods
2022Grigoratos, I., A. Savvaidis, and E. RathjeDistinguishing the Causal Factors of Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin: Hydraulic Fracturing or Wastewater Disposal?, Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220210320Methods
2022Savvaidis, A., A. Lomax, R. Dommisse,  C. Breton, M. Shirley, and V. O’SullivanInduced seismicity hypocentral depth stability and sensitivity to Vp/Vs in the South Delaware Basin, West Texas, Second International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, doi:10.1190/image2022-3751081.1Permian Basin Region
2022Chen, Y., O.M.Saad, A. Savvaidis, Y.F. Chen, and S. Fomel3D microseismic monitoring using machine learning: JGR-Solid Earth, doi; 10.1029/2021JB023842West Texas
2022Zhang, F., Y.F. Chen, R. Wang, and Y. ChenSpatiotemporal Variations in Earthquake Triggering Mechanisms During Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Canada: JGR-Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2022JB024744Methods
2022Saad, M.O., Y.F. Chen, A. Savvaidis, S. Fomel, and Y. ChenReal-Time Earthquake Detection and Magnitude Estimation using Vision Transformer: JGR-Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023657Texas 
2022V. Guzman, A. Li, and A. SavvaidisStress variations in the Delaware Basin from shear-wave splitting analysis, Seismological Research Letters, doi:10.1785/0220220118Permian Basin Region
2022Horne, E. A., P. H. Hennings, K. M. Smye, S. Staniewicz, J. Chen, and A. SavvaidisStructural characteristics of shallow faults in the Delaware Basin: Interpretation, doi:10.1190/INT-2022-0005.1Permian Basin Region
2022Huang, G. D., E. Horne, F. Kavoura, and A. SavvaidisCharacteristics of Seismogenic Structures and 3D Stress State of the Delaware Basin of West Texas as Constrained by Earthquake Source MechanismsPermian Basin Region
2021Jeong, S.-J., B. Stump and H.R. DeShonStress Drop Estimates for Induced Seismic Events in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2021, Vol.111 (3), p.1405-1421Fort Worth Basin
2021Chen, Y. and S. FomelNon-stationary local signal-and-noise orthogonalization, Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/geo2020-0151.1Methods
2021Chen, Y., O. Saad, M. Bai, X. Liu, and S. FomelA compact program for 3D passive seismic source-location imaging, Seismological Research Letters, doi: 10.1785/0220210050Methods
2021Chen, Y., S. Fomel, H. Wang, and S. Zu5D de-aliased seismic data interpolation using non-stationary prediction error filter                                                                                                             Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/geo2020.0540.1Methods
2021Y. Chen, O.M. Saad.CapsPhase: Capsule Neural Network for Seismic Phase Classification and PickingMethods
2021Peng. L., Huang G., Savvaidis, A., Kavoura, F., Porritt, R.Characteristics of Seismicity in the Eagle Ford Shale Play, Southern Texas, Constrained by Earthquake Relocation and Centroid Moment Tensor InversionEagle Ford Region
2021Lomax, A., and A., SavvaidisHigh-precision, absolute earthquake location using source-specific station terms and inter-event waveform similarity, Journal of Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1029/2021JB023190Methods
2021Saad, O., Huang, G., Chen, Y., Savvaidis, A., Fomel, S., Pham, N., Chen, Y.SCALODEEP: A Highly Generalized Deep Learning Framework for Real-Time Earthquake Detection                                                                                             Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid EarthMethods
2021Grigoratos I, Bazzurro P, Rathje E, SavvaidisTime-dependent seismic hazard and risk due to wastewater injection in OklahomaTexas Region
Accepted for Publication in Earthquake Spectra.
2021Gao, R.S., J.-P. Nicot, P.H. Hennings, P. La Pointe, K.M. Smye, E.A. Horne, R. DommisseLow pressure build-up with large disposal volumes of oilfield water: A comprehensive hydrogeologic model of pore pressure change in the Ellenburger Group, Fort Worth Basin, North-Central TexasFort Worth Basin
Accepted for Publication in AAPG Bulletin, doi: 10.1306/03252120159 
2021Hennings, P.H., J.P. Nicot, R.S.Gao, H.R. DeShon, J-E. Lund Snee, A.P. Morris, M.R. Brudzinski, E.A. Horne, and C. BretonPore Pressure Threshold and Fault Slip Potential for Induced Earthquakes in the Dallas-Fort Worth Area of North Central TexasFort Worth Basin
Accepted for Publication in Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2021GL093564
2021Li, P., Huang, G.D., and Savvaidis, A. Seismic Features of the Permian Basin Region from Receiver Function Analysis 
Tectonophysics, Volume 801, 2021, 228718, ISSN 0040-1951                                                                                                                                                             
Permian Basin Region
2021Trugman, D.T., Savvaidis, A. Source Spectral Properties of Earthquakes in the Delaware Basin of West Texas, Seismol Res. Lett.XX,1–13, doi:10.1785/0220200461.Permian Basin Region
2020Robinson, R., Aiging, L., Savvaidis, A., Hu, H.Complex shear wave anisotropy from induced earthquakes in west TexasPermian Basin Region
Published in Bulletin of Seismological Society of America
2020Merzlikin, D., Savvaidis, A., Whittaker, S., Bestmann, I.Data Processing of a local Seismological Network for West Texas Seismicity CharacterizationPermian Basin Region
Published in Seismological Research Letters:
2020Staniewicz, S., Chen,  J. Lee, H., Olson,J., Savvaidis, A., Reedy, R., Breton, C., Rathje, E., Hennings, P. InSAR reveals complex surface deformation patterns over an 80,000 square kilometer oil-producing region in the Permian BasinPermian Basin Region
Geophysical Research Letters (2020): 2020GL090151 
2020Jeong, S., B. Stump and H.R. DeShonSpectral Characteristics of Ground Motion from Induced Earthquakes in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Using the Generalized Inversion TechniqueFort Worth Basin
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110, 2058-2076. https://doi: 10.1785/0120200097.
2020Iason Grigoratos: Ellen Rathje: Paolo Bazzurro: Alexandros SavvaidisEarthquakes Induced by Wastewater Injection, Part II: Statistical Evaluation of Causal Factors and Seismicity Rate ForecastingMethods
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2020) 
2020Iason Grigoratos; Ellen Rathje; Paolo Bazzurro; Alexandros SavvaidisEarthquakes Induced by Wastewater Injection, Part I: Model Development and HindcastingMethods
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2020)
2020F. Kavoura, A. Savvaidis, E. RathjeDetermination of Local Magnitude for Earthquakes Recorded From the Texas Seismological Network (TEXNET)Texas
2020R. W. Porritt, A. Savvaidis, B. Young, M. Shirley, P. LiCrustal Structure in Southeastern Texas from Joint Inversion of Ambient Seismic Noise and P to S Receiver FunctionsEagle Ford Region
2020Horne, E.A, Hennings, P. H., Osmond, J. L and DeShon, H.R.Structural Characterization of Potentially Seismogenic Faults in the Fort Worth BasinFort Worth Basin
2020Li, M. Rathje, E., Cox, B., and Yust, M. A Regional Vs30 Map for Texas Incorporating Geology and Vs30 Observation                                                           Texas
Submitted for possible publication in Earthquake Spectra.
2020Khosravikia F, Kurkowski J, and Clayton P. (2020)Fragility of masonry veneers to human-induced Central U.S. earthquakes using neural network modelsMethods
Journal of Building Engineering, 28,
2019Khosravikia, F., and Clayton, P.Machine Learning in Ground Motion PredictionMethods
Submitted: Journal of Earthquake Engineering (April 2019)
2019Khosravikia, F., and Clayton, P.Influence of Induced and Non-induced Ground Motion Characteristics on Masonry Veneer VulnerabilityMethods
Submitted: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (November 2019)
2019Savvaidis, A., Lomax, A., Breton, C.Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas, is caused by Hydraulic Fracturing and Wastewater DisposalPermian Basin Region
In press in Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, available online on August25th
2019Zalachoris, G., and Rathje, E.MGround Motion Model for Small-to-Moderate Earthquakes in Texas, Oklahoma, and KansasTexas Region
2019Savvaidis, A., Young, B., Huang, G. D. and Lomax, A.TexNet: A Statewide Seismological Network in TexasTexas
2019Quinones, L. A., DeShon, H. R., Jeong, S., Ogwari, P., Sufri, O., Holt, M. M. and Kwong, K. B.Tracking Induced Seismicity in the Fort Worth Basin: A Summary of the 2008–2018 North Texas Earthquake Study CatalogFort Worth Basin
2019Lomax, A., and Savvaidis, A.Improving absolute earthquake location in west Texas using probabilistic, proxy ground-truth station correctionsPermian Basin Region
2019Khosravikia, F., and Clayton, P.Updated evaluation metrics for optimal intensity measure selection in probabilistic seismic demand modelMethods
2019Khosravikia, F., Clayton, P., and Nagy, Z.Artificial Neural Network-Based Framework for Developing Ground-Motion Models for Natural and Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma, Kansas, and TexasTexas Region
2019Kahlor, L.A, Wang, W., Olsen, H.C, Li, X., and Markman, A.B.Public perceptions and information-seeking intentions related to seismicity in five Texas communitiesTexas
2019Huang, G.G., Savvaidis, A., and Walter, J. l.Mapping the 3‐D Lithospheric Structure of the Greater Permian Basin in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico for Earthquake MonitoringPermian Basin Region
2019Hennings, P. H., Lund Snee, J.E., Osmond, DeShon, H.R, Dommisse, R., Horne, E., Lemons, C and Zoback, M.D.Injection-Induced Seismicity and Fault-Slip Potential in the Fort Worth Basin, TexasFort Worth Basin
2019Frolich, F., Frohlich, C., Hayward, C., Rosenblit, J., Aiken, C. Hennings, P. H., Savvaidis, A. Lemons, C., Horne, E., Walter, J., and DeShon, H. R.Onset and cause of increased seismic activity near Pecos, West Texas, USA from observations at the Lajitas TXAR Seismic ArrayPermian Basin Region
2019Deline, M.B., and Kahlor, L. A.Planned Risk Information Avoidance: A Proposed Theoretical ModelMethods
2018Yust, M.B., Cox, B.R., Cheng, T.Epistemic Uncertainty in Vs Profiles and Vs30 Values Derived from Joint Consideration of Surface Wave and H/V Data at the FW07 TexNet StationMethods
2018Walter, J.I., Frohlich, C., and Borgfeldt, T.Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Texas and Oklahoma PanhandlesTexas Panhandle
2018Quinones, L. A., DeShon, H. R., Magnani, M. B., and Frohlich, C.Stress Orientations in the Fort Worth Basin, Texas, Determined from Earthquake Focal MechanismsFort Worth Basin
2018Ogwari, P., DeShon, H. R., and Hornbach, M. J.The Dallas‐Fort Worth Airport Earthquake Sequence: Seismicity Beyond Injection PeriodFort Worth Basin
2018Kahlor, L.A., Olsen, H.C, Markman, A. B., and Wang, W.Avoiding Trouble: Exploring Environmental Risk Information Avoidance Intentions Methods
2018DeShon, H. R., Hayward, C. T., Ogwari, P.O, Quinones, L., Sufri, O., Stump, B., and Magnani, M.BSummary of the North Texas Earthquake Study Seismic Networks, 2013–2018Fort Worth Basin
2018Savvaidis, A., Rathje, E., Cox, B., George, Z., Ayushi, T., Yust, M., Young, B.Site Characterization of TexNet Seismic Station Using Different Geophysical ApproachesTexas
2018Chen, R., Xue, X. Yao, C., Datta-Gupta, A., King, M., Hennings, P., and Dommisse, R.Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanical Modeling of Seismicity in the Azle Area North TexasFort Worth Basin
2017Zalachoris, G., Rathje, E. M., Paine, J.G.VS30 Characterization of Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas Using the P-Wave Seismogram MethodTexas Region
2016Fan, Z., Eichhubl, P., Gale, J.F.W.Geomechanical analysis of fluid injection and seismic fault slip for the MW4.8 Timpson, Texas, earthquake sequence.East Texas
Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, v. 121(4), p. 2798-2812
2016Frohlich, C., DeShon, H. R., Stump, B., Hayward, C., Hornbach, M. and Walter, J.I.A Historical Review of Induced Earthquakes in TexasTexas
2015Gono, V., Olson , J. E. and Gale, J.Understanding the Correlation between Induced Seismicity and Wastewater Injection in the Fort Worth BasinFort Worth Basin

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