Texas Seismological Network and Seismology Research

The TexNet Seismic Monitoring and Seismology Research Program at The University of Texas at Austin is a multidisciplinary research program managed by the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG). The goals of the TexNet are to collect high-quality data on earthquakes in Texas and conduct fundamental and applied research to better understand naturally occurring and potentially induced earthquakes and the associated risks. TexNet thoroughly integrated research program is studying the subsurface processes that may influence seismicity that will lead to better quantification of the associated hazards and risks to the citizens and infrastructure of Texas. A primary application of the data and research is to improve standards of practice resulting in the mitigation of seismicity that may stem from industrial activity. The highest priority is fact-based communication with stakeholders and rapid response to public concerns regarding seismicity. TexNet, led by Dr. Alexandros Savvaidis, is funded by the State of Texas through a budgetary line to the Bureau of Economic Geology.
The principal research goals and activities are to:
- Understand Earthquake Activity
- Characterizing the Hazard and Understanding Causal Factors
- Understand Impacts
- Develop Applications for Mitigation
Earthquake Trends in Key Texas Areas